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6 New Dream Jobs To Pursue Now


With several industries undergoing drastic changes, it may be time to rethink our old perceptions when it comes to dream jobs.


Dream jobs sure aren't what they used to be. The old guard - firefighters, lawyers, and fashion designers - had a mixture of excitement, heroism, and glamour, but the sad reality is that the demand for many of these professions is fading away.


The economy is still reeling from the recession, and it's clear that the demand for some occupations, including certain dream jobs, is disappearing.


One major catalyst? Technology. But don't fret - while technological advancement spells doom for some jobs, it spurs the emergence of others. High-tech innovations are re-shaping the workforce with careers that are both high-paying and in high demand, says Barbara Atzmiller, a career counselor and owner of the Expert Career Solutions firm based in Sacramento, Calif.


"The change is so drastic that jobs don't look the same, or they're going away. Or they're morphing into something new," says Atzmiller.


So what do these professions look like? Well, the aftermath of the recession has affected what people define as a "dream job." The dream jobs of today are more practical than those of yesteryear, offering high job growth, high salaries, and opportunities for innovation.


So instead of mourning the demise of these professions, look ahead to the future. There are a good number of new dream careers for people who are willing to adapt, although you may need to hone your education and skill levels, says Atzmiller.


Keep reading to find out which dream jobs you should leave behind and which exciting new jobs carry more possibility.


New Dream Job #1 -Public Relations or Fundraising Manager


Thanks to the advent of social media, technology has played a key role in making this a hot new dream job, according to Atzmiller.


"Public relations has gotten big and changed," she explains. "Not only do you have print ads, but now you have things like YouTube and social media."


Another dream-worthy aspect of this job: the salary potential. The U.S. Department of Labor reports public relations and fundraising managers have a median annual salary of $98,700. And in terms of growth, their hiring numbers are projected to expand by 13 percent from 2012 to 2022.


Details of the Job: Public relations managers are responsible for devising materials that can bolster the public image of a company or individual client, notes the Department of Labor. Meanwhile, a fundraising manager is the person who operates campaigns that attract donations to an organization.


How to Prepare: For management positions in either public relations or fundraising, the Department reports "a bachelor's degree in public relations, communications, English, fundraising, or journalism is generally required." But some employers might prefer a master's degree in majors such as public relations, journalism, fundraising, or nonprofit management.


New Dream Job #2 -Software Developer


On the levels of salary and hiring alone, a career as a software developer might seem like a dream opportunity for people who wish to put their computer know-how to good use.


The employment of software developers is projected to grow by an impressive 22 percent between 2012 and 2022, notes the U.S. Department of Labor. On top of that, applications software developers have a median annual wage of $92,660. For developers of systems software, the median annual salary is $101,410, notes the Department of Labor.


But numbers don't tell the entire story about why software developer has become a dream profession. "Everybody needs [software developers] because of technology," Atzmiller says. "If you can come up with a mobile app, recognize the need, and fill the need, you can create a job for yourself."


And this is one field where creativity can really pay off. "We're only scratching the surface," Atzmiller says. "If you have the creativity and create the right mobile app, you can become very wealthy."


Details of the Job: Applications software developers create the applications that enable people to perform specific tasks on computers and other devices, the Department reports. Systems software developers, on the other hand, create the systems that keep computers functioning properly.


How to Prepare: Software developers typically have a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field, notes the Department. A degree in mathematics is also acceptable. The Department adds that a master's degree is preferred by some employers.


New Dream Job #3 -Market Research Analyst


The explosion of online shopping, as well as social media, has helped give market research analysts a dream scenario for performing their duties, according to Atzmiller.


"There is so much more to research now," she says. "Because you don't have to be a brick-and-mortar store to be online, it increases the need and excitement for market analysis online."


The increased use of data and analysis in all industries is also creating a dream career opportunity as a market research analyst. The U.S. Department of Labor says the median annual salary of market research analysts is $60,800, and their hiring numbers are projected jump by 32 percent from 2012 to 2022.


Additionally, the globalization of sales and marketing has created more opportunities for people interested in the field of market research, explains Atzmiller. "There are so many new products and companies coming out all the time," she says.


Details of the Job: The main objective in this role is helping organizations "understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price," says the Department of Labor. Market research analysts gather and analyze data on consumers, competitors, and market conditions.


How to Prepare: Earning a bachelor's degree in market research is the typical path of entering the field, according to the Department. But market research professionals also major in fields such as statistics, math, computer science, business administration, the social sciences, or communications.


New Dream Job #4 -Information and Security Analyst


In our highly digital lives, information and security analysts are increasingly playing a significant part in our safety online.


"It's a new dream job, because technology is changing our world and the needs in the computer world," says Atzmiller. This role has grown out of the ongoing growth of the technology sector, and the security field is exciting, new, and growing rapidly, she explains.


"We have a new bug every couple of days, and these people are desperately needed. We really don't have enough of them, and it pays very well for people with up-to-date knowledge," Atzmiller adds.


How much could information and security analysts potentially make? Well, their median annual salary is a handsome figure of $88,590, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Plus, their employment is projected to increase by a whopping 37 percent between 2012 and 2022.


Details of the Job: According to the Department of Labor, some of their main duties include monitoring networks for security breaches, testing networks for vulnerability, and recommending security enhancements to management and IT staff.


How to Prepare: Most information security analysts have earned a bachelor's degree in a computer-related field, such as computer science or programming, reports the Department. They also typically need experience in a related occupation, for example, network or system administration.


New Dream Job #5 -Personal Financial Advisor


What lands this job in the new crop of dream careers? Well, it tends to be less stressful than other financial careers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. And it can be a rewarding profession in more ways than one.


"People have learned their lessons about massive amounts of debt and not enough income," Atzmiller says. "Advisors can help them be more solvent and more knowledgeable on how to handle money."


Personal financial advisors are finding that the need for their services is driving both their salaries and hiring. The Department of Labor says these finance professionals have a median annual salary of $75,320 and will experience 27 percent job growth between 2012 and 2022.


The high job growth could be attributed somewhat to an aging population in desperate need of financial services - from real estate to retirement, says Atzmiller.


Details of the Job: These financial professionals meet clients to discuss their financial goals and recommend investment opportunities, notes the Department.


How to Prepare: Personal financial advisors usually need a bachelor's degree, reports the Department. And a degree in accounting, law, mathematics, or business is good preparation for this profession.


New Dream Job #6 -Environmental Engineer


This dream career is tinged with green - as in the earth and money. Environmental engineers have a median annual salary of $82,220, notes the U.S. Department of Labor. And the number of professionals in this field is projected to grow by 15 percent from 2012 to 2022. But there's more to why this is becoming an ideal career to pursue.


"I think we are more environmentally conscious, but even when there are opponents to that, we still need safe drinking water and still need to know there are not chemicals in the ground," Atzmiller explains.


The groundswell of support for the environment has been building for decades, and the careers of these engineers are benefiting from the new ways people are looking at their surroundings, she adds.


"Now it's politically correct to stand up for the environment," Atzmiller says. "The laws and legislations from the 70's until now have given [environmental engineers] a solid place in our world. It's a huge field that's exploded."


Details of the Job: Environmental engineers utilize the theories and practices of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to dream up solutions to environmental issues, says the Department of Labor.


How to Prepare: A bachelor's degree in environmental engineering or a related field - including civil, chemical, or general engineering - is a requirement for positions as an environmental engineer, reports the Department. Additionally, the Department tells us that "getting a license improves the chances for employment."



