专业精析 Accurate Analysis
Computer Science -CS
Research in the computer science division includes:
Artificial intelligence, including models of memory and reasoning, knowledge representation, natural language understanding, planning, and problem solving.
Human computer interaction.
Distributed interactive systems.
Theoretical computer science, focusing on algorithm design and analysis.
“Frictionless" proactive context and task-sensitive information retrieval systems.
Distributed and real-time systems, networks, performance analysis, prediction and scheduling, Internet, and grid application development.
Programming languages.
Computer graphics and human computer interfaces for spatial applications, visualization, and computer entertainment.
Parallel processing.
Computer architecture.
Large-scale systems.
Computer Engineering - CE
Research in the computer engineering division crosses undergraduate and graduate lines and includes the areas of:
Computer System
Computer architecture
Distributed and parallel systems
Computer-aided design
Mobile systems
Parallel processing
Parallel algorithms
Computer networks,
Hardware software interaction
VLSI design
Embedded systems
Numerical analysis
Systems simulation
Neural networks
Wwitching networks
Large-scale systems