哥伦比亚大学Columbia University 所在州:NY (NY )院校类型:私立 建校时间:1754 学校官网: http://www.columbia.edu |
校训 In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen (借汝之光,得见光明) 创建时间 1754年 学校类型 私立 捐款 65亿美元 校长 李·鲍林杰 教师 3,566 学生 26,399 本科生 7,169 研究生 17,065 校址 纽约市曼哈顿区 校园环境 1.23平方公里 校报 哥伦比亚观察家 体育项目 31支运动队 代表色 蓝 白 隶属于 美国大学协会; 长春藤盟校
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),全称纽约市哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称哥大,是一所位于美国纽约市的私立研究型大学,常春藤盟校之一。它坐落于曼哈顿的晨边高地,濒临哈德逊河,在中央公园北面。它于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,命名为国王学院 (Kings College),是美洲大陆ZUI古老的学院之一。美国独立战争后更名为哥伦比亚学院,1896年成为哥伦比亚大学。哥伦比亚大学是ZUI早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。 名称由来哥伦比亚(Columbia)之名来源于发现美洲大陆的哥伦布(Christopher Columbus),且英文拼法不同于南美国家哥伦比亚(Colombia)。哥伦比亚(Columbia)常作为美国的女性代称;相对应的,山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)是美国的男性代称。
哥伦比亚大学下属有20所院所,包括 3所大学学院 哥伦比亚学院 普通教育学院(成人学院) 工程与应用科学学院
14所研究生学院 新闻学院 国际公共事务学院 法学院 商学院 社会工作学院 建筑、计划与保持学院 艺术学院 文理学院 工程与应用科学学院 医学院 护理学院 牙科与口腔外科学院 公共卫生学院 进修学院
4所附属学院 巴纳德学院(本科女子学院) 教育学院 犹太神学院 联合神学院 著名的研究生系有建筑、艺术史、天文、生物科学、化学、计算机科学、数学、物理、地质、心理学、社会学、哲学、政治学、宗教、电影、历史、经济学、英语、法语、西班牙语及东亚和中亚语言文学系等。
哥伦比亚大学Low Memorial Library哥伦比亚大学图书馆系统以 Butler Library 为首,共设有23座分馆,每个分馆都各具特色,尤以 Avery 建筑及精致艺术图书馆、社会工作学院图书馆、新闻学院图书馆等出名。
其中东亚图书馆中有各样的中文书籍,流行小说、古典文学,甚至县志都可以找到。总藏书量达870万册,并且收集有微缩胶片600万套,2600万种手稿,以及60万册善本书,10万片VCD和DVD,20万份官方文件,还有中国族谱、家谱、谱谍约950种,是中国的图书馆以外收集ZUI丰富的图书馆。东亚图书馆的亚洲类藏书为全美第二,仅次于哈佛大学的燕京图书馆。 著名校友 美国总统 西奥多·罗斯福 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 艾森豪威尔:在当总统之前是哥大校长。 巴拉克·奥巴马 第44任美国总统 二十六名其他各国元首 五名美国开国元勋 (Founding Fathers) 九名ZUI高法院大法官、十位纽约州州长和十四位纽约市市长。 学术界 摩尔根 遗传学之父 杜威 哲学、教育学大师 I·I·拉比 美国物理学家,因发明用原子束和分子束磁共振法观测原子光谱(1937年),而获1944年诺贝尔物理学奖。 迈克尔· I ·普平 (Michael I. Pupin) 美国著名发明家,近代物理学家先驱。 玛格丽特·米德 美国人类学家,以研究太平洋无文字民族而闻名。 亨利·舒尔兹 (Henry Schultz) 美国计量经济学先驱。 埃德温·霍华德·阿姆斯特朗 美国无线电工程师,调频广播技术的发明者 阿诺·彭齐亚斯 宇宙微波背景辐射发现者,1978年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。 其他的知名校友还有:
沃伦·巴菲特 股神 伊萨克·阿西莫夫 美国生物化学家、作家、一位撰写科幻小说和科普读物极有成就的多产作家。 詹姆斯·卡格耐 美国著名演员,1974年获美国电影学会“终身成就奖”。 洛·格里格 著名美国棒球运动员,因1925-1939年间连续参加2,130场比赛而创棒球界空前记录。 艾拉·格什温(Ira Gershwin) 美国词人,作曲家乔治·格什温的兄弟。 奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世 美国词人和音乐喜剧作家,在音乐喜剧的发展中具有影响的剧院演出人,中国观众熟悉并喜爱的音乐喜剧《音乐之声》就是他的作品之一。 莉莲·海尔曼 美国剧作家。 兰斯顿·修斯 为黑人文学开辟现实主义道路的美国黑人诗人,作家。 托马斯·默顿(Thomas Merton) 美国天主教修士、诗人、多产的著作家。 乔治·西格尔(George Segal) 美国雕塑家。 莱昂内尔·特里林(Lionel Trilling) 美国文学评论家、教师,他的评论富于洞察力。 埃德加·斯诺 著名美国记者,“中国人民的老朋友”。尤以《红星照耀中国》(Red Star Over China, 又名《西行漫记》) 闻名。 简·考尔(Jane Cowl) 极为成功的美国剧作家和演员。 大卫·斯特恩 现NBA总裁 S·罗勃逊·沃顿(S. Robson Walton) 沃尔玛主席。 马修·福克斯 演员。 宇多田光 日本知名歌手(肄业)。 王鑫 台湾地理学者。现任文化大学地学研究所所长。 哥大的中国校友 唐绍仪 中华民国第1任国务院国务总理 李政道 诺贝尔物理奖得主 顾维钧 中国现代史上ZUI著名的外交家之一 胡适 新文学运动之父、驻美大使、北大校长、中研院院长 唐德刚 口述历史名家 宋子文 中央银行行长、行政院长 侯德榜 实业家 卢昌海 科普作家 其他著名学者:马寅初、冯友兰、郭秉文、陶行知、蒋梦麟、许地山、唐敖庆、吴文藻、何炳棣、金岳霖。
Columbia University is a private institution that was founded in 1754. Columbia University, located in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood in New York City, offers a wide range of student activities. The Columbia Lions field more than 25 NCAA Division I teams in the Ivy League. More than 90 percent of students live in on-campus housing, ranging from traditional residence halls to university-owned brownstones. Many of the brownstones are populated by the more than 25 Greek fraternity and sorority chapters on campus, whose membership includes about 10 percent of the student body. Organizations such as Urban New York, which gives out free tickets to city events, foster student interaction with life in the Big Apple.
Columbia is comprised of three undergraduate schools—Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the School of General Studies—as well as a number of graduate and professional schools. Columbia’s graduate programs include the highly ranked Business School, Teachers College, SEAS, Law School, College of Physicians and Surgeons, School of International and Public Affairs, School of the Arts and Mailman School of Public Health. The university also has a well-regarded College of Dental Medicine and Graduate School of Journalism. Columbia is affiliated with Barnard College for women, the Union Theological Seminary and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Distinguished alumni include John Jay, founding father and first Supreme Court Justice; President Barack Obama; songwriting team Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II; and actress Maggie Gyllenhaal. Columbia also administers the Pulitzer Prizes.
Founded in 1754, Columbia University in the City of New York encompasses more than a dozen graduate and professional schools and the over 6,000 undergraduates studying in Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. The renowned Core Curriculum unites all Columbia undergraduates by providing a common foundation in literature, philosophy, science, art, history and music, and caps classes at 22 students to afford close interaction with Columbia's renowned faculty. Columbia Engineering is one of the oldest engineering schools in the U.S., developing future engineering leaders through its unique educational approach which includes a first-year hands-on design course; close student-to-faculty interaction with extensive undergraduate research opportunities starting as early as the first year; a broad-based core curriculum, liberal arts minors and interdisciplinary courses; programs and projects that foster entrepreneurship and socially-responsible innovation; and trailblazing internship and civic engagement programs in New York City and around the world. Students choose among over 100 majors and concentrations and thousands of research, internship and job opportunities.
Located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, Columbia not only offers access to all of New York City, the ultimate classroom, but also guaranteed four-year housing within a traditional campus surrounded by a residential neighborhood lined with bookstores, cafes and parks. Called "the quintessential great urban university," Columbia is diverse in every way: students come from 50 states and over 90 foreign countries; over half of undergraduates are students of color, and over 500 student organizations are offered, including 31 Division I Ivy League athletic teams and dozens of community service organizations, performance groups, political clubs and publications.
As the birthplace of FM radio, the fields of genetics and anthropology, the nation's oldest literary magazine and first Black student advocacy group on a multi-racial campus, Columbia has carried on a tradition of both social and scientific innovation for over 250 years. Notable Columbians include Barack Obama, Isaac Asimov, Madeline Albright, Langston Hughes, Jack Kerouac, Julia Stiles, and many more spanning every professional field.
Columbia offers extensive need-based financial aid and meets the full need of every student admitted as a first-year with grants instead of loans. Parents with calculated incomes below $60,000 and with typical assets are not expected to contribute any income or assets to tuition, room, board and mandatory fees and families with calculated incomes between $60,000 and $100,000 and with typical assets have a significantly reduced contribution. To support students pursuing study abroad, research, internships and community service opportunities, Columbia offers the opportunity to apply for additional funding and exemptions from academic year and summer work expectations. A commitment to diversity of every kind is a longstanding Columbia hallmark. We believe cost should not be a barrier to pursuing your educational dreams.
Most Popular Majors热门专业
22% Engineering 20% Social Sciences 10% Biology 5% English 5% Foreign Languages and Literature 5% Mathematics 5% Psychology 5% Visual and Performing Arts
23,606 在校学生总数Total enrollment 6,170 在校本科学生Total undergrads 32,967 本科申请人数Total applicants 2,291 本科录取人数Admitted 1,424 本科入学人数Enrolled 3,296 提前决定申请人数Applied early action 644 提前决定录取人数Admitted early action
审理过程中,学术与非学术因素是如何影响录取决定的? Very Important 非常重要
Academic GPA高中平均分 Application Essay申请文书 Character/Personal Qualities个人特质 Class Rank班级排名 Extracurricular Activities课外活动 Recommendations推荐信 Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度 Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩
Important 一般重要
Considered 其他考虑因素
Alumni Relation校友关系 First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生 Interview面试表现 Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况 Volunteer Work志愿者工作 Work Experience工作经历