杜克大学Duke University 所在州:NC (NC )院校类型:私立 建校时间:1924 学校官网:http://www.duke.edu |
校训 Eruditio et Religio (拉丁文:知识和虔诚) 学校类型 私立 校长 Richard H Brodhead2 建校时间 1924年 校址 美国,北卡罗莱那州,德罕 校园环境 郊区 面积 9432英亩
1、杜克大学有“南方哈佛”的美誉; 2、闻名遐迩的北卡州高等学府; 3、在美国的学术教育界绽放出它四射的光芒;
杜克大学创校于1838年。校训“Knowledge and Faith”(知识与信念),共拥有2,583名教授和6,244名本科生和6,844名研究生。当时是由北卡州的烟草大亨James B Duke为纪念他的父亲Washington Duke,利用慈善家 Julian S.Carr所慨赠的9000英亩土地,无私无我地投入全部产业和资金,不断扩充而发展成为今日傲视全美的杜克大学。 杜克大学历史上曾有过 "南方哈佛"之称。其学费之昂贵与哈佛平分秋色,但杜克绝佳的设备、小班制、个别关照、城乡并重,及文武合一的观念,是其他大学极为称羡的。广大无比的山丘校园(学校占地9432英亩,合37.8平方公里),170栋古典建筑,仿佛一一隐藏在秀丽的山林中一般。杜克大学不但是一流学术殿堂,更是修身养性、术德兼修的好地方。其本科学院在美国新闻与世界报道的2007年美国大学排名榜上排名第8,列全球大学排名第11位。连续五年在全美大学排行榜上名列第5。本科课程提供36门文理专业及46门可选择的第二专业。图书馆藏书量列全美第8名。 杜克大学坐落在北卡州Durham市,与人杰地灵的教堂山ChapelHill及首府Raleigh市,正好鼎足而立,共同构成人文与地理上著名的"北卡三角区",是全美国第三大生物医学科技及相关产业的集中地。其中Charlotte市是美国第二大的银行中心,拥有美国银行及美联银行的总部。杜克大学为三角区提供了ZUI重要的幕后学术与智慧支持者。而地处美国东南、滨邻大西洋岸的北卡州,就在这种后天的努力下,成为全美ZUI适宜居住的州,同时也是全美国博士学位密度ZUI高的地区。 以杜克的校园建筑来说,整个东校园保持着乔治亚式古典建筑,而较新的西校园则全是哥特式分格。城堡似的古典建筑外型非常古典精致,所有建材却是采用美东南地区的坚固花岗岩,没有任何两栋相雷同。校园古典而精致,漫步在秀丽的杜克森林中,感觉就像来到了世外桃源。一百七十栋古典建筑,仿佛一一隐藏在秀丽的山林中一般,杜克校园面积之大在私立大学中只有斯坦福可以媲美。美国南部地域广阔,气候温暖而舒适。杜克花园风景优美,是远近闻名的景点。大学中树木茂盛,环境优美,整个学校隐藏在秀丽的山林中,其将优雅的绅士风度与严谨务实的治学、将学习与娱乐天衣无缝地结合在一起,使学生们在学习的同时,也有心情享受青春的快乐。 到了现代,杜克大学成为美国南部学术中心之一,当之无愧的成为美国南方ZUI优秀的大学。医学中心已赢得了世界声誉,许多院系也持续位居美国ZUI佳院系之列。杜克以其研究成果和学术革新引起社会各界的关注,其教授也常被邀请担任国内外许多学术和专业组织的负责人。1991年,在《美国新闻与世界报导》所作的年度大学评估中,杜克大学名列全美第7所ZUI好的研究性大学。“使杜大真正成为世界教育事业的领路人”并“促进人类进步,发展我们的资源,增加我们的智慧,并提高人类的幸福”。2007年,杜克大学的本科生中40%为少数族裔,来自于全世界107个国家,2008录取率为19%;医学院和法学院申请的平均GPA高达3.88和3.74。 2004年杜克大学的研究经费超过四亿九千万美元。纵观历史,杜克的研究者做出多项突破性研究。例如,杜克著名的生物医学工程系研制出世界上首例实时三维超声诊断系统,并制成了首个工程血管。工程系的AdrianBejan发展了构建理论,解释自然界中的形状。杜克大学在非线性动力学、混沌和复杂系统都有开拓性的研究。ZUI近,杜克大学的研究者完成人类染色体的ZUI终绘图,成为人类基因工程ZUI终完成的世界新闻。近期的报告还包括杜克研究者在研制艾滋病疫苗和隐身材料(optical cloak)方面的努力。直至2008年,杜克受捐赠49亿美元,是美国第12大捐赠。
学校开设了40个专业的学士学位课程,31个硕士研究生学位课程和29个博士研究生学位课程。考虑到篇幅原因,此处仅以专业类别展示。 地区、种族、文化及性别研究类(Area, Ethnic, Cultural & Gender Studies) 生物与生物医学类(Biological & Biomedical Sciences) 商业/管理/市场营销类(Business, Management, Marketing & Related Programs) 计算机与信息科学类(Computer & Information Sciences) 教育类(Education) 工程类(Engineering) 英语语言与文学类(English Language & Literature) 非英语语言及文学类(Foreign Language & Literature) 历史学类(History) 文科学类(Liberal Arts & Sciences) 数学类(Mathematics) 交叉学科类(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies) 自然资源与其保护类(Natural Resources & Conservation) 哲学与宗教类(Philosophy & Religion) 自然科学学类(Physical Sciences) 心理学类(Psychology) 公共管理与服务类(Public Administration & Services) 社会科学类(Social Sciences) 视觉与表演艺术类(Visual & Performing Arts)
杜克大学本科生课程ZUI好的学科为政治学、公共政策、历史和化学,工程系也很不错,特别是电子工程和生物医学工程更为其强项。 据《耶鲁大学日报大学指南》指出,杜克大学ZUI好的学科,包括有政治科学、公共政策、化学和历史。此外,给予杜克大学以五颗星ZUI高学术评分的(纽约时报大学指南》则认为, 该大学的工程学系也很好,特别是电机和生物医学(biomedical)工程。 eduworld大学ZUI多学生选读的学科,依次是:社会科学(30%)、文科(16%)、工程(14%)、生命科学(11%)、心理学(8%)。
著名校友在杜克大学毕业的校友中,ZUI知名者包括了 美国第37任总统理查德·尼克松,以及知名资讯软件业巨子比尔·盖兹之夫人美琳达·盖兹等。 此外,中国清末民初富商宋嘉澍曾于三一学院求学,他也是三一学院的第一位外籍学生。 此外,该校有名的大学篮球队,也培养出许多优秀的NBA篮球选手和教练, 包括肖恩·巴蒂尔、卡罗斯·布泽尔、艾尔顿·布兰德、罗尔·邓、克里斯·杜洪、小迈克·邓利维、丹尼·费里、格兰特·希尔、科里·马盖蒂、谢尔顿·威廉姆斯等。
Duke University
Duke University is a private institution that was founded in 1838. Durham, North Carolina, which surrounds Duke's campus, offers a variety of activities including shopping, dining and entertainment. Its "Bull City" nickname comes from the Blackwell Tobacco Company's Bull Durham Tobacco. Students at Duke are required to live on campus for their first three years, and freshmen live together on the East Campus. The Duke Blue Devils maintain a fierce rivalry with the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill Tar Heels and are best known for their outstanding men's basketball program, one of the top five winningest college basketball programs in the country. Approximately 30 percent of the student body is affiliated with Greek life, which encompasses more than 30 fraternities and sororities.
Duke University is divided into 10 schools and colleges, many of which serve both undergraduate and graduate students. Its graduate programs include the highly ranked Fuqua School of Business, Pratt School of Engineering, School of Law, School of Medicine, Sanford School of Public Policy and School of Nursing. Duke also offers graduate programs through its well-respected Divinity School and Nicholas School of the Environment. Duke's most esteemed undergraduate scholarship, the Robertson Scholars Program, provides approximately 18 students from each class with a monetary reward and the opportunity to study for a semester at UNC-Chapel Hill. Notable alumni include Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; NBA player Carlos Boozer; and former U.S. Congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul.
Duke University offers a unique and compelling combination of academic achievement, engagement with society, and athletic accomplishment at the highest levels. A private comprehensive teaching and research university, Duke traces its roots to 1838, officially becoming Duke University in 1924. In addition to liberal arts and engineering education at the undergraduate level, Duke offers graduate and professional study in arts and sciences, business, divinity, engineering, the environment, law, public policy, medicine, and nursing. At the same time, Duke is an intimate setting, with 6,800 undergraduates and an additional 6,000 graduate and professional students.
Duke is a global university with students and faculty from nearly every country. We encourage students to go abroad to study, perform service and conduct research. About half of Duke's graduating class spends at least a semester in another country - one of the highest percentages of any of the nation's top private research universities. We offer instruction in 25 foreign languages. One of our most popular programs is DukeEngage, which supports undergraduates who want to pursue an immersive service experience in the U.S. or abroad.
Duke is characterized by innovation, entrepreneurship, energy and ambition. Duke students have an unusually wide range of opportunities available to them and freedom in choosing the academic path that best meets their needs. Duke students are encouraged to make a difference, to experiment with ideas and organizations and they are challenged to become engaged with society's problems and solutions.
Our students spend four years on one of the most beautiful campuses in America -- soaring Gothic buildings, modern teaching and research facilities, lush botanical gardens, and accessible athletics and recreational spaces. Duke's home of Durham is a historic tobacco and textile hub that has emerged as the heart of North Carolina's hi-tech Research Triangle, and is consistently recognized as one of the most desirable and vibrant places to live in the country. Durham's arts, culture, recreation and restaurants have earned a national following, and the region provides numerous opportunities for post-graduate employment.
Duke students exhibit legendary passion and enthusiasm. Duke's athletic program is regularly ranked among the nation's strongest and most competitive, with some of the country's most talented scholar-athletes and dedicated fans: the Cameron Crazies. A member of the Atlantic Coast Conference, Duke has thirteen men's varsity teams and thirteen women's varsity teams as well as numerous intramural, recreational, and club sports. Duke consistently leads the ACC in Academic Honor Roll students and is a top producer of Academic All Americans.
The residential experience is an important component of a Duke education. About 85 percent of all undergraduates live on campus. First-year students live together on East Campus, where about a quarter of them participate in FOCUS, a living/learning program organized around academic themes, which gives them immediate access to faculty mentoring and a smaller community of students they get to know well.
Duke is one of a small number of schools committed to a need-blind admission policy, which means we admit undergraduates without consideration of a family's ability to pay tuition and other college costs and meet 100 percent of a student's demonstrated financial need for four years. About 54 percent of our undergraduates receive some sort of financial assistance, including need-based aid, merit or athletic scholarships.
With the rigorous academics, the plethora of social and artistic activities, the immersive service and cultural opportunities and the occasional basketball game in Cameron Indoor Stadium, the most important things students need to bring with them to Duke are energy and intellectual curiosity.
Most Popular Majors热门专业
21% Social Sciences 15% Engineering 13% Biology 9% Psychology 8% Health Professions 8% Public Administration and Social Services
15,465 在校学生总数Total enrollment 4,512 在校本科学生Total undergrads 30,546 本科申请人数Total applicants 3,081 本科录取人数Admitted 1,729 本科入学人数Enrolled 2,439 早期决定申请人数Applied early decision 756 早期决定录取人数Admitted early decision
Very Important 非常重要
Academic GPA高中平均分 Application Essay申请文书 Character/Personal Qualities个人特质 Class Rank班级排名 Extracurricular Activities课外活动 Recommendations推荐信 Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度 Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩 Talent/Ability天资与其他能力
Considered 其他考虑因素
Alumni Relation校友关系 First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生 Interview面试表现 Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况 Volunteer Work志愿者经历 Work Experience工作经历