加州理工学院California Institute of Technology 所在州:CA (CA )院校类型:私立 建校时间:1891 学校官网: http://www.caltech.edu/ |
校训 The truth shall make you free (真理必叫你们得以自由)
创建时间 1891年
学校概况 加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology, 缩写为Caltech或CIT)是美国的一所久负盛名的大学,位于加利福尼亚州的帕萨蒂纳(Pasadena),创建于1891年。这所私立大学的宗旨是“为教育事业、政府及工业发展需要培养富有创造力的科学家和工程师”。
研究中心: 红外线过程分析研究中心(IPAC)、天文学研究中心、材料过程模拟研究中心(MSC)、高级计算研究中心(CACR)、工业关系研究中心、计算机资源研究中心、计算机科学部、生物工程学部、分子科学实验室、喷气推进实验室(JPN)等科研机构。 知名校友
莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling),PhD 1925,1954年诺贝尔化学奖得主,1962年诺贝尔和平奖得主。 赵忠尧(Chung-Yao Chao),PhD 1930,物理学家,中国核物理的奠基人。 钱学森(Tsien Hsue-shen),PhD 1939,空气动力学家,曾领导中国的导弹和火箭研制。 冯元桢(Yuan-Cheng Fung),PhD 1948,生物力学的奠基人。 林家翘(Chia-Chiao Lin),PhD 1944,力学和数学家,当代应用数学学派的领路人。 周培源(Pei-Yuan Chou),PhD 1928,理论物理学家、流体力学家。 戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore),PhD 1954,英特尔公司的创办者之一,摩尔定律的创立者。 叶公杼(Lily Yeh Jan),PhD 1974,生物物理学家、美国国家科学院院士。 理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman),著名物理学家,1965年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。 马丁·施密特(Maarten Schmidt),天文学家,类星体的发现者。 谈家桢(C. C. Tan),PhD 1936,中国现代遗传学奠基人。 鲍文奎,PhD 1950,中国植物遗传学家。 法兰克·卡普拉(Frank Capra),BS 1918,奥斯卡ZUI佳导演奖3次得主。 陈繁昌(Tony Chan),BS,MS,前加州大学洛杉矶分校自然科学学院院长,现任香港科技大学校长。 史蒂芬·沃尔夫勒姆(Stephen Wolfram),PhD 1979,物理学家、商人,Mathematica的开发者,Wolfram Research公司的创立者和首席执行官。
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology is a private institution that was founded in 1891. Caltech, which focuses on science and engineering, is located in Pasadena, California, approximately 11 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Social and academic life at Caltech centers on the eight student houses, which the school describes as "self-governing living groups." Student houses incorporate an admired Caltech tradition: dinners served by student waiters. Only freshmen are required to live on campus, but around 80 percent of students remain in their house for all four years. The Caltech Beavers have a number of NCAA Division III teams that compete in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Integral to student life is the Honor Code, which dictates that "No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community."
Caltech offers top graduate programs in engineering, biology, chemistry, computer science,earth sciences, mathematics and physics. Caltech participates in a significant amount of research, receiving grants from institutions such as NASA, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Health and Human Services, among others. Caltech maintains a strong tradition of pranking with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, another top-ranked science and technology university. Companies such as Intel, Compaq and Hotmail were founded by Caltech alumni. Famous film director Frank Capra also graduated from Caltech.
Caltech is a world-renowned research and education institution focused on science and engineering, where faculty and students pursue new knowledge about our world and search for the kinds of bold and innovative advances that will transform our future.
The scientific, engineering, and technological contributions of Caltech's faculty and alumni have earned national and international recognition, including 33 Nobel Prizes, 11 National Medals of Technology, and 57 National Medals of Science, plus 93 faculty are members of the National Academies. Each year, Caltech faculty are granted nearly 140 patents; its faculty and alumni have started more than 130 companies since 1995.
Caltech's 300 professorial faculty members offer a rigorous science and engineering curriculum to approximately 1,000 undergraduates and 1,300 graduate students, providing one of the nation's lowest student-to-faculty ratios.
Caltech undergraduate students hail from across the globe and represent the top tier of high school graduates - 98 percent placed in the top tenth of their senior class. Caltech offers generous financial-aid packages to ensure that a Caltech education is accessible to all students; more than half of Caltech students receive need-based assistance.
Student life at Caltech revolves around the eight campus Houses, each of which embodies a distinct personality and has unique traditions; the Caltech student body as a whole has a long history of planning and carrying out elaborate pranks both on campus and across the country. Caltech students can choose to participate in any of more than 130 clubs that represent a wide range of interests, or compete in 17 NCAA Division III varsity sports. The Honor Code governs life at Caltech, affording students such privileges as take-home tests, permission to collaborate on assignments, and the keys to campus buildings.
Caltech's 124-acre campus is located in the city of Pasadena, 10 miles from Los Angeles. The Institute manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA, and owns and operates large-scale research facilities such the Seismological Laboratory - one of the world's foremost centers for geophysical research - and a global network of astronomical observatories that includes the Palomar Observatory and the W. M. Keck Observatory.
36% Engineering 22% Physical Sciences 18% Computer and Information Sciences 13% Biology 11% Mathematics
2181 在校学生总数Total enrollment 938 在校本科学生Total undergrads 6525 本科申请人数Total applicants 576 本科录取人数Admitted 226 本科入学人数Enrolled
审理过程中,学术与非学术因素是如何影响录取决定的? Very Important非常重要
Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度
Academic GPA高中平均分 Application Essay申请文书 Character/Personal Qualities个人特质 Class Rank班级排名 Extracurricular Activities课外活动 Recommendations推荐信 Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩 Talent/Ability天资与其他能力
Considered其他考虑因素 Alumni Relation校友关系 First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生 Interview面试表现 Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况 Volunteer Work志愿者工作 Work Experience工作经历
你的实力 我们的专业度=理想大学的录取 晓宏老师愿每一位奋战在申请大路上的同学,一步一个脚印踏实完成每一个小目标,ZUI终攻下dream school录取! |