

Cornell University

所在州:NY (NY )
学校官网: http://www.cornell.edu

校训   I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.

创建时间        1865年

学校类型        私立

校长              戴维•J•斯科顿

学生        19,800

本科生      13,510

研究生       6,290

校址             纽约州伊萨卡

校园环境        小城市, 745 英亩 (3.0 km²)

网站            http://www.cornell.edu




     康奈尔大学(英文:Cornell University)是一所位于美国纽约州伊萨卡的私立研究型大学,另有两所分校位于纽约市卡塔尔教育城,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。康奈尔大学在纽约市附近的小镇绮色佳,那里景色优美,气势开阔。康奈尔的校园位于山顶,在图书馆凭窗远眺,只见苍苍茫茫,一派辽阔气象。校园面积有3000多英亩,与美国东北部典型的较为拥挤的大学相比,呈现出一派宏大气度。



    此一理念最终成为康奈尔的校训:“我将建立一座任何人在此都能找到所有学科教育的机构”(I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study)。



























    康奈尔在建立之初,其创始人以斯拉·康奈尔(Ezra Cornell)便致力于将其建设为一所所有人都能上得起的大学。这就注定使康奈尔大学成为发放奖学金及资助方面最慷慨的大学之一。在2007-2008学年,康奈尔总共为本科生提供了一亿一千六百八十万美元的资助(包括无息学生贷款),64%的康奈尔学生领取了各类资助。




    尤里斯图书馆(Uris Library)及钟楼 (McGraw Clock Tower)

    康乃尔大学图书馆 共有20个单位,是美国最大的学术研究图书馆之一,今藏书达七百万册以上、缩微胶卷有七百万卷、电子化档案五千个,以及七万六千个语音纪录(另加数码资源及大学数据库的语音纪录);是美国众大学中第一所容许本科生借书的图书馆。红楼梦抄本甲戌本曾存于此。2005年购回,现藏于上海博物馆(胡适所献)。尤里斯图书馆后面的钟楼每天都由学生表演敲钟音乐;每日太阳下山时演奏校歌及其它乐曲,参观者可以在钟楼中欣赏他们演奏。




    康乃尔大学出版社 创立于1869年,是美国的第一所大学出版社及其中一所营运规模最大的大学出版社;每年出版约一百五十本不同学科的书籍,包括人类学古典学(classics)、文化研究、历史文学批评及理论中古研究(medieval studies)、哲学政治及国际关系心理精神病学、和女性研究等。






    康乃尔大学共有七所本科生学院和七个研究生学院、三个跨学院系、进修教育及夏季课程学校和康乃尔大学图书馆。其校总区面积有3平方千米。威尔医学院 和 威尔医疗科学研究院 位于纽约市。此外,康大在卡塔尔还有一所 医学院纽约州日内瓦的 纽约州农业实验站波多黎各阿雷西博天文台缅因州对开海岸的 浅滩海洋实验室(与新罕普夏大学合办)、纽约州农业推广系统和一些教育或研究设施等亦属康大。






16% Engineering

13% Agriculture

13% Biology

13% Business/Marketing

11% Social Sciences

6% Computer and Information Sciences


21593 在校学生总数Total enrollment

14453 在校本科学生Total undergrads

43037 本科申请人数Total applicants

6105 本科录取人数Admitted

3225 本科入学人数Enrolled


Very Important非常重要

Academic GPA高中平均分

Application Essay申请文书

Character/Personal Qualities个人特质

Extracurricular Activities课外活动


Rigor of secondary school record高中学业的难度

Standardized Test Scores--TOEFL,SAT/ACT成绩



Class Rank班级排名


Alumni Relation校友关系

First generation college student是否家庭第一代大学生


Racial/Ethnic Status种族状况

Volunteer Work志愿者工作

Work Experience工作经历

Cornell University is a private institution that was founded in 1865. Cornell University, located in Ithaca, N.Y., has more than 500 student organizations on campus, which range from the Big Red Marching Band to the International Affairs Society. First-year students live together on north campus, and the university has housing options for upperclassmen and graduate students, though many choose to live off campus. Cornell has a thriving Greek life, with around 70 total fraternity and sorority chapters. Cornell has more than 30 NCAA Division I varsity teams that compete in the Ivy League. The Cornell Big Red are perhaps best known for their successful men’s lacrosse team, which won seven consecutive Ivy League titles from 2003 to 2009. Cornell also has a strong hockey program.

Cornell’s 14 colleges and schools each admit their own students and provide their own faculty, even though every graduate receives a degree from Cornell University. Cornell’s two largest undergraduate colleges are the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Its graduate schools include the highly ranked S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, College of Engineering, Law School, Weill Cornell Medical College and a well-regarded program in education. Cornell is also well known for its top-ranked College of Veterinary Medicine and the highly esteemed School of Hotel Administration. One of Cornell’s oldest traditions is Dragon Day, during which a dragon built by first-year architecture students is paraded through campus and then burned during a bonfire celebrating the coming of spring. Notable alumni include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, author E.B. White and Bill Nye, the "Science Guy."

Cornell University was founded in 1865 as a coeducational, nonsectarian institution where "any person can find instruction in any study."

Once dubbed "the first American university" in recognition of the revolutionary principles on which it was founded, Cornell continues to push the limits of its founder's vision. Renowned for its distinctive mix of eminent scholarship, academic rigor and commitment to public service, it attracts more than 20,000 students from every state in the Union and more than 120 countries. They learn from a world-class faculty teaching more than 4,000 courses and participate in cutting-edge research in 11 undergraduate, graduate and professional schools on the uniquely beautiful Ithaca campus, at Cornell's medical college campuses in New York City and Qatar, and in affiliated programs around the world.

Cornell???s breadth of study, ranging from legendary programs in the humanities to world-class interdisciplinary research centers in nanotechnology, biotechnology, supercomputing and genomics, sets it apart from its Ivy League peers. As the land-grant university of New York State, Cornell also boasts the nation's first colleges devoted to hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and veterinary medicine. In 2011, Cornell was awarded the opportunity to create a new graduate school for information technology in New York City. Cornell NYC Tech is training the student entrepreneurs who will drive the 21st century???s digital transformation of publishing, advertising, news and information, and entertainment.

In recent years, Cornell has been aggressively expanding its international programs - from the establishment, in 2001, of the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, the first American medical school outside of the United States, to the forging of partnerships and collaborations with major institutions in China, India, and Singapore - further supporting Cornell's status as the transnational university of the future.

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