

University of Michigan Ann Arbor


中文名称   密歇根大学-安娜堡分校

英文名称   University of Michigan Ann Arbor
成 立        1817年
学校官网   http://www.umich.edu/

       密歇根大学-安娜堡分校University of Michigan Ann Arbor成立于1817年,密西根大学也是美国中西部Big Ten十大联盟之一,占地3千1百多公顷,共有315个主要的校园建筑物。无论校地大小、校园建筑、学术地位、教学资源、师资或学生素质都是美国州立大学的翘楚。
      密歇根大学-安娜堡分校University of Michigan Ann ArborU-M主校区位于安娜堡(Ann Arbor),距离密执安州的第一大城底特律(Detroit)国际机场只有45分钟的车程,交通便利。
     密歇根大学-安娜堡分校University of Michigan Ann Arbor现任女性校长President Mary Sue Coleman为U-M第13任校长。由于President Coleman之前为爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)的校长,曾为该校争取到由1.78亿提高到3亿多元的研究经费。在她的领导之下,密西根大学将有更大的学术研究发展潜力。
       密西根大学校友人数高达425,000人,是全美最多校友大学之一。美国前总统福特、著名华裔科学家丁肇中、著名物理学家吴大猷均毕业于密西根大学。 其他著名校友包括国际巨星玛丹娜,游泳健将菲尔普斯(2004年奥运独得6金2铜),信息理论与数位电路之父克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农,Google创办人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page),i-Pod之父Tony Fadell,美林(Merrill Lynch)创办人Charles E. Merrill,MIT校长Charles Vest(1990-2004),台湾著名校友包括学术界的朱敬一,邓启福,张小虹,外交家王正廷,科技界的邓端理,当代台湾自由主义斗士张忠栋,陈文成事件的陈文成,小提琴家林昭亮,与财经界的许士军,何志钦,萧代基等。

密西根大学在各项学术排名中,是少数可以一直保持在前10名内的州立大学。根据2004年「美国新闻及世界报导杂志」(U.S. News & World Report)的评鉴为全美第25名;根据学院区分,该校也有背景很强的工学院与教育学院。
密西根大学工程学巨牛。根据2009年美国最佳大学工程学排行(本科,括号内为研究生),航空/太空/宇航工程 第3(5)位,机械工程 第2(4)位,工业工程 第2(2)位,电机/电子/通讯 第6(7)位,电脑工程 第7位,生医/生医工程 第7位,材料工程 第2(7)位,核能工程 第1(1)位,工程科学/工程物理 第3位。
     著名教授包括Wolfgang Pauli(1945年诺贝尔物理奖得主),提倡两岸签署中程协议的前美国国安会亚洲事务资深主任李侃如(商学院),民进党总统参选人彭明敏(任职中国研究中心,已返回台湾),中研院士吴建福(统计系),谢宇(社会学系)。
     密西根大学学科发展均衡,医学,工程,商学,法律,教育学,政治学,心理学,生命科学,太空科学,公共卫生学,公共政策学等皆为全美名列前茅,属于美国公立大学中水准较高的大学之一。密西根大学对公共事务的研究非常用心,著名的密西根大学消费信心指数(University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index)即为一例。在运动方面,该校的篮球足球与曲棍球也都是全美知名。




16%     Engineering
14%     Social Sciences
10%     Biology
10%     Psychology
6%       Business/Marketing
5%       Visual and Performing Arts
43710     在校学生总数Total enrollment 
28395     在校本科学生Total undergrads
49776     本科申请人数Total applicants
16047     本科录取人数Admitted
6505       本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Academic GPA
Rigor of secondary school record
Application Essay
Character/Personal Qualities
First generation college student
Standardized Test Scores
Alumni Relation
Extracurricular Activities
Geographical Residence
Level of Applicant's Interest
State Residency
Volunteer Work
Work Experience
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor is a public institution that was founded in 1817. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 28,283, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 3,245 acres. It utilizes a trimester-based academic calendar. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 29. Its in-state tuition and fees are $13,977 (2014-15); out-of-state tuition and fees are $41,811 (2014-15).
The University of Michigan boasts one of the best college towns in the country: Ann Arbor, only 45 minutes from the city of Detroit. Freshmen are guaranteed housing but are not required to live on campus. Nearly 20 percent of the undergraduate student body is affiliated with Greek life at Michigan, which contains approximately 60 fraternity and sorority chapters. If Greek life does not sound appealing, there are more than 900 other student organizations from which to choose. The Michigan Wolverines have many traditions: Their colors are maize and blue, their widely known chant is "Go Blue!," their stadium is called the "Big House," and their football program, known for its fierce rivalry with Ohio State, is one of the most storied teams in college football.
Michigan’s graduate programs include the highly ranked Stephen M. Ross School of Business, School of Education, College of Engineering, Law School, Medical School, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, School of Public Health and School of Nursing in addition to the well-regarded School of Dentistry and Taubman College for Architecture and Urban Planning. The University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers is ranked among the top hospitals in the country. Former U.S. President Gerald Ford, actress Lucy Liu of the "Charlie’s Angels" and "Kill Bill" film series, and NFL quarterback Tom Brady all graduated from Michigan.
The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future. Students have the opportunity to work with world-renown faculty. There are literally hundreds of clubs, groups, and organizations covering a variety of social, cultural, and academic interests. The University abuts the city of Ann Arbor, which has its own thriving social and cultural identity. There is literally something for everyone here.
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