波士顿学院Boston College 所在州:MA (MA )院校类型:私立 建校时间:1839 学校官网:http://www.bc.edu/ |
中文名称 波士顿学院 英文名称 Boston College 成立 1839 性质 私立
学校概况 波士顿学院创建于1839年,是全美第三大私立大学。位于美国马塞诸塞州的波士顿,全校有29800多名学生,来自于全美50个州及125个国家,海外学生总数约4700人。许许多多进不了常青藤的在美华人都以能进BOSTON COLLEGE为荣!波士顿大学采取国际化、多元化的管理经营方式,它吸引了来自世界各地的学生,学校分别在亚洲、中东、欧洲等8个国家设立了8个办事处,广招外国优秀学生,使波士顿学院成为一个世界文化交流的学府。 波士顿学院Boston College每年颁发超过三千八百个学位,广及五十个学术领域、十一个系所。全校六百四十一个专任教员都同时致力于教学和研究工作上,并且在最近十年都获得研究的奖励及授证认可,为波士顿学院 Boston College创下新的纪录。 波士顿学院Boston College的各个专业学术领域部门,称之为“学校”,就像一般大学的“学院”一样。包括有神学院、艺术与科学学院、艺术与科学研究所(共有人文学、社会科学、自然科学三大部分,六十个博士学位)、管理学校、教育学校、护理学校、社会工作学校、波士顿学院Boston College法律学校、进修学院等。 在波士顿学院Boston College,教学和研究这两项工作是教授们最重要的责任,研究行为多数倾向于发展改善真实社会现况和人类文明产将研究结果回馈到社会。波士顿学院Boston College的研究者在教导学生如何有系统的陈述问题及寻求解答时,倾向于加强学生完整的技术认知,并以人文关怀的角度注意现实生活的真实情况。 其实在美国进修医学或护理的选择很多,而波士顿学院Boston College的特色除了它的校风纯朴、研究自由度高,最重要的是波士顿学院Boston College的学校有一位研发了近代护理界最具影响力理论的教授,也就是创造了“罗氏适应理论”的寇里斯塔·罗依修女(sister Callisita Roy)。 十年前,罗依修女前来波士顿学院Boston College任教。当时护理学校正计划开办博士班,对师资方面的要求相当注重,于是就重金礼聘罗依修女前去担任客座教授。后来罗依修女对于波士顿学院Boston College的研究环境和校风相当喜欢,索性就留下来成为护理学校的专任教授了。 波士顿学院Boston College有一百一十六英亩的校园,座落于一个开放的郊区,距离波士顿城约有六英里,而联外道路正好有一条通往市中心的电车轨道,那条电车路线已经有一百零三年的历史。 在校园里,四处都可以感受得到波士顿学院Boston College特有的人文气息,或许因为是教会学校,对于学生的穿着打扮会有较多的规定,但也因此塑造出庄重的校风。在波士顿学院Boston College几乎是看不到热裤、拖鞋、小背心的服装,甚至在下课时间,也不会有人大声喧哗。宁静而轻松的气氛,是波士顿学院Boston College给予外界的第一印象。 对于博士班的学生,校方相当重视学术交流和研究讨论,校方成立学生研究讨论会,由各个领域的学生推派一个代表参加,每周聚会一次,各自从自己的研究领域针对特定主题提出意见和看法,而聚会的经费全部由学校负责。 最近几年,波士顿学院Boston College经历了意料之外的惊人成长,包括大学部学生的入学申请增加了百分之二十一,而且在过去五年来,百分之百的收入增加都是来自于社会各界的自愿捐助。值得一提的是,这些捐款超过十亿美元,是在全国捐款额最高的前五十名内。甚至连现在所使用的图书馆,都是由波士顿当地一位富裕人士所捐赠兴建的。 除此之外,校方也积极的整顿校务,建立形象。像是在一九九九年的十一月,波士顿学院Boston College投入四十亿美元的基金来从事一系列的校园形象改造活动,如赠送一百个教职员专用座椅的企划活动,并增加五千万美元给大学部和研究所的学生,以做为生活上的经济支持;对学术中心、图书馆和经筛选审核过的大学部及研究所的学术研究计画给予特定支持,并协助建立新的专属建筑,包括有学生企划中心和人文馆等。
专业 学校有法学院、管理学院、文理学院、教育学院、护理学院和社会工作学院以及研究生院,共设有50个学科,大部分具有较强的教学水平和一流的科研能力,可以授予学士、硕士、博士学位,其中近一半的专业水平属于世界一流水平。波士顿学院是一所以人文学科为主的综合性大学,其热门专业包括:传播学、金融、英语及文学、政治学及政府学以及历史学。
Boston College
21% Business/Marketing
17% Social Sciences
12% Psychology
9% Communications/Journalism
8% Biology
7% English
13,525 在校学生总数Total enrollment
9,154 在校本科学生Total undergrads
23,223 本科申请人数Total applicants
7,875 本科录取人数Admitted
2,288 本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Academic GPA
Rigor of secondary school record
Standardized Test Scores
Alumni Relation
Application Essay
Character/Personal Qualities
Class Rank
Extracurricular Activities
Volunteer Work
First generation college student
Racial/Ethnic Status
Work Experience
Boston College is a private institution that was founded in 1863. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 9,049, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 338 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Boston College's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 31. Its tuition and fees are $47,436 (2014-15).
Boston College was founded by the Society of Jesus and has maintained its Roman Catholic Jesuit religious affiliation. B.C. competes in nearly 30 NCAA Division I varsity sports in the Atlantic Coast Conference. The B.C. Eagles have one of the highest graduation rates for their student-athletes in the country. There are no fraternities or sororities on campus, however the school has more than 200 clubs and organizations. Freshmen are not required to live on campus, but the majority choose to do so. B.C. is located in Chestnut Hill, Mass., which is six miles west of downtown Boston, and its main campus is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Boston College is classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a university with high research activity. It has nine schools, which include highly ranked graduate programs, including its Lynch School of Education, Boston College Law School and Carroll School of Management. More than 1,000 students participate in study abroad each year. "The Heights," a nickname for the college, refers to its hilltop location and is also the name of the student newspaper. Notable alumni include U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Tip O’Neill.
Strengthened by more than a century and a quarter of dedication to academic excellence, Boston College commits itself to the highest standards of teaching and research in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs and to the pursuit of a just society through its own accomplishments, the work of its faculty and staff, and the achievements of its graduates. It seeks both to advance its place among the nation's finest universities and to bring to the company of its distinguished peers and to contemporary society the richness of the Catholic intellectual ideal of a mutually illuminating relationship between religious faith and free intellectual inquiry.
Boston College draws inspiration for its academic and societal mission from its distinctive religious tradition. As a Catholic and Jesuit university, it is rooted in a world view that encounters God in all creation and through all human activity, especially in the search for truth in every discipline, in the desire to learn, and in the call to live justly together. In this spirit, the University regards the contribution of different religious traditions and value systems as essential to the fullness of its intellectual life and to the continuous development of its distinctive intellectual heritage.
Boston College pursues this distinctive mission by serving society in three ways: by fostering the rigorous intellectual development and the religious, ethical, and personal formation of its undergraduate, graduate, and professional students in order to prepare them for citizenship, service, and leadership in a global society; by producing nationally and internationally significant research that advances insight and understanding, thereby both enriching culture and addressing important societal needs; and by committing itself to advance the dialogue between religious belief and other formative elements of culture through the intellectual inquiry, teaching and learning, and the community life that form the University.
Boston College fulfills this mission with a deep concern for all members of its community, with a recognition of the important contribution a diverse student body, faculty, and staff can offer, with a firm commitment to academic freedom, and with a determination to exercise careful stewardship of its resources in pursuit of its academic goals.