中文名称 罗切斯特大学
英文名称 UniversityofRochester
官网 http://www.rochester.edu
罗彻斯特大学是美国最佳院校之一,在 2004 年US News & World Report 美国最佳大学(America's Best Colleges)排名35,其中音乐和光学(Optics)等专业素享盛誉,名列前茅。其他如政治学(political science)、物理学(physics)、经济学economics、护理(nursing)、临床心理学(clinical psychology)、电脑(computer science)、化学(chemistry)、生物(biology)和社区卫生(community health)等专业也相当厉害。该校的教师和校友中有8名教授是诺贝尔奖金获得者,11名学者获普利兹(Pulitzer Prize)文学奖。
罗彻斯特大学的图书馆约有330万藏书,分散在11所图书馆,其中Rush Rhees Library是最大的图书馆,建筑古色古香。Miner Library是学校的医学图书馆,伊斯曼音乐学院的Sibley Music Library亦收藏丰富。在图书馆中都有自助式的影印机及电脑查询系统。图书馆也订阅大量电子期刊,查询非常方便。罗彻斯特大学医学院附属医院---史壮纪念医院(Strong Memorial Hospital)内有以华人心脏科医生余南庚命名的Paul N. Yu Heart Center。
罗切斯特大学建有文理学院、工程技术和应用学院、光学学院、音乐学院、教育学院、人类发展学院、牙科学院、护理学院、商业学院等近十个学院,设有数十个学科专业,绝大部分可以授予硕士、博士学位,其中化学系、生物学系、心理学系、政治学系、工程学系、计算机科学系、哲学系、经济学系、英语系、光学系、音乐 系、护士系等都拥有闻名遐迩的教授阵容、最新的机能设计和研究技术,具有较强的教学和科研实力,特别是光学系遐迩闻名。
多数在校学生都在River Campus上课与生活。大学一、二年级学生一般被要求住校,高年级学生允许住在校外。学校提供一部分研究生住房,但也有不少人选择住在校外。学校提供的住房分散在几个校园的周边地区。大部分住宅区都有免费的巴士穿梭于主要住宿区与校园。
River Campus
River Campus居住区主要居住的是本科生。该居住区主要包含有Fraternity Quad,其由9栋住宅楼组成。

Residence Quad during a snowstorm
URMC and Mount Hope Campuses
URMC与Mount Hope周边共有四个不同地点提供研究生住宿。
George Washington Goler House(GHS)紧邻医学中心,是一座有着321间公寓的高层公寓楼。除学生外,该公寓楼也居住包括教职员工在内的学校社区成员。
University Towne House
University Park (UPK)
南校区有研究生住宿区Whipple Park (WPK)
11020 在校学生总数Total enrollment
6266 在校本科学生Total undergrads
17410 本科申请人数Total applicants
6344 本科录取人数Admitted
1436 本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Character/Personal Qualities
Rigor of secondary school record
Application Essay
Extracurricular Activities
Standardized Test Scores
Alumni Relation
First generation college student
Racial/Ethnic Status
Volunteer Work
Work Experience
University of Rochester is a private institution that was founded in 1850. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,177, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 707 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. University of Rochester's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 33. Its tuition and fees are $46,960 (2014-15).
The University of Rochester describes itself as one of the smallest and most collegiate schools among the nation’s top research universities. The Yellowjackets mainly compete in the University Athletic Association and participate in NCAA Division III sports. The school also offers more than 200 student organizations, and about one quarter of students are affiliated with Greek life on campus. Rochester’s a cappella ensembles are among the country’s best. Freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus, and two-thirds of the juniors and more than half of the seniors choose to remain on campus. Rochester’s main campus is located two miles south of downtown Rochester, N.Y., in the bend of the Genesee River.
The University of Rochester’s graduate programs include the highly ranked William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Medical Center, Department of Political Science and Department of Economics. The well-regarded Eastman School of Music is home to more than 20 ensembles, including the first wind ensemble in the country. The Institute of Optics is the nation’s oldest educational program devoted to optics. The school’s unique "Take Five Scholars" program provides students an additional tuition-free semester or year studying topics of interest outside of their major. Notable alumni include former U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and visual effects artist Michael Kanfer, who won an Academy Award for his work on the film "Titanic."
Excellence requires freedom.
The University of Rochester's belief in this fundamental principle, which drives research faculty around the world, has led to our unique and innovative Rochester Curriculum. Living the principle straight out of high school, Rochester students are free to select the courses that appeal to them most from their first day on campus. Advising is individualized from the first day, and Rochester students typically build on their passion (or combination of passions) for all four year of a BS or BA career.
The Rochester Curriculum commitment means there are zero required subjects; instead, students' interests drive their education. As they structure their choices, students will choose to major in one of over 70 degree programs in sciences and engineering, in humanities, or in social sciences, and at least a "cluster" of three related courses in each of the other areas.
Among America's advanced research universities, Rochester is collegiate in character, with smaller enrollment overall, nearly 90% residential for four years, balanced in gender and diversity, and sustaining a commitment that 95-100% of every student's instruction will be with tenure-track faculty. With guaranteed exposure to research, Rochester students may begin advanced studies in graduate courses early. Beyond the strong majority of arts and sciences students, Rochester offers undergraduate professional options with schools of engineering, medicine, nursing, music, education, and business. The share of Rochester students who choose to pursue graduate degrees is among the nation's highest. Among the 2,000 National Science Foundation fellowships offered in 2011, 16 were for current and former Rochester undergraduates, ranking Rochester 14th among all private universities.
In other important respects Rochester mirrors the best that larger universities can offer. The campus is self-contained, but a stimulating downtown is two miles away, and year-round recreation is prominent in all directions. Recreation, schools, and culture are among the reasons Rochester was ranked in Places Rated Almanac's 25th anniversary edition as the 6th most ideal among America's 395 metropolitan areas.
The Curriculum drives an enormous diversity for life on campus, which supports over 250 different student organizations. Since no two academic programs are alike, Rochester students develop over years as individuals with growing confidence. Many Rochester students emulate the faculty who have devoted their lives to free academic inquiry. They make intelligent, even rebellious, choices for themselves and tend to associate in ways that reinforce support for every other student's individual choices.