加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara 所在州:CA(CA)院校类型:公立 建校时间:1868 学校官网:http://www.ucsb.edu/ |
中文名称 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 英文名称 University of California,Santa Barbara
学校地址 University of Ca Santa Barbar Santa Barbara, CA 93106 学校简介
加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara拥有大约两万名学生,900多名教师。她的国际学生比例很高。和其他西海岸大学一样,她对亚洲学生十分青睐,亚州学生约占国际学生一半一上。她的工学院最有名,艺术学院也很好。由于校区与海相连,海洋研究也在各大学间名列前茅。其他出色的学术领域有生物科学、心理学、人文、商业、社会科学等。 校园内有6所国内研究机构和2所职业训练所,为卡内基委员任证之美国顶尖学术机构之一。 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara是10年来美国高校中地位提升最快的大学之一。从1998年至2004年7年中,有5位教授获得诺贝尔奖,大学成了吸引美国科学和工程学者向往的教育胜地。该校在在2007年的USNews排名榜中性别学专业排名第2, 材料工程专业排名第3,量子物理专业排名第6,综合排名中名列第47位。
更值得一提的是,校园里还有海滩。由美国新闻周刊Newsweek与卡普兰Kaplan教育机构连手推出的卡普兰Kaplan大学指南的2005年度全美25间最受欢迎的大学的名单中,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California,Santa Barbara是被评选为最受冲浪、滑雪爱好者欢迎的学府,因为其校园有海滩让学生冲浪,而学校附近有著名的大熊滑雪场。
加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara本科:生物、经济、心理学、政治科学、信息、计算机科学、英语、机械工程、法律和社会学和计算机工程、性别学、材料工程、量子物理、动物学、妇女研究、统计学、西班牙语言文学、社会学、斯拉夫语、宗教研究、心理学、葡萄牙语言文学、政治学及政府、物理、哲学、药理学、音乐、微生物学、中世纪与文艺复兴研究、数学、统计数学、自由艺术与科学、法律与法律研究、日本语言文学、语言学、国际关系与国际事务、地理学、地质学外国语言文学等; 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara研究生:生物、经济、心理学、政治科学、信息、计算机科学、英语、机械工程、法律和社会学和计算机工程、性别学、材料工程、量子物理、统计学、西班牙语言文学、社会学、宗教研究、心理学、音乐、葡萄牙语言文学、政治学及政府、物理、哲学、生物分子学、数学、海洋生物学等。
26% Social Sciences
10% Psychology
9% Interdisciplinary Studies
8% Biology
7% Communications/Journalism
7% Visual and Performing Arts
5% Environmental Science
22225 在校学生总数Total enrollment
20238 在校本科学生Total undergrads
66813 本科申请人数Total applicants
24283 本科录取人数Admitted
4738 本科入学人数Enrolled
Very Important非常重要
Academic GPA
Application Essay
Rigor of secondary school record
Standardized Test Scores
Character/Personal Qualities
Class Rank
Extracurricular Activities
First generation college student
State Residency
Volunteer Work
Work Experience
University of California--Santa Barbara is a public institution that was founded in 1909. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 19,362, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 989 acres. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. University of California--Santa Barbara's ranking in the 2015 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 40. Its in-state tuition and fees are $13,746 (2014-15); out-of-state tuition and fees are $36,624 (2014-15).
Located 100 miles up the coast from Los Angeles, the University of California—Santa Barbara sits atop cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Students can get involved in any of the more than 400 clubs and organizations on campus, including a Greek community that comprises about 10 percent of undergraduate students. UCSB provides housing to about 30 percent of students in eight residence halls and several university apartment complexes.The UC Santa Barbara Gauchos compete primarily in the NCAA Division I Big West Conference and are known for their successful women’s basketball and men’s soccer teams. Non-varsity students can join a club team such as cycling, surfing, rugby or ski and snowboard.
UCSB encompasses five schools and colleges, the largest of which is the College of Letters and Science, serving undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate programs at UCSB include the highly ranked College of Engineering. The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management are other notable graduate schools at UCSB. Undergraduate students can apply for admissions into the College of Creative Studies, which emphasizes focused studies in one of eight disciplines: art, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, literature, mathematics, music composition or physics. Musician Jack Johnson and actor Michael Douglas both graduated from UCSB.
The mission of UCSB is defined in the context of the unique stature of the University of California and the place of the Santa Barbara campus within this system. Our responsibilities include provision of high-quality education to undergraduate and graduate students, innovation through the advancement of fundamental and applied research programs, creative activities and scholarship, and provision of service to the state as well as the nation and world that we share. In each of these three areas, our mission is to fulfill these responsibilities with the highest possible level of excellence in a manner that emphasizes the special abilities associated with our campus through its faculty, students, facilities, and geographic location.